EARTH Great Himalayan Range / Tibetan Plateau -- 28 Dec 2002 -- The Himalayan Mountain Range runs a curving path from west to east in this true-color Terra MODIS image
EARTH Great Himalayan Range / Tibetan Plateau -- 28 Dec 2002 -- The Himalayan Mountain Range runs a curving path from west to east in this true-color Terra MODIS image. Climate change is severely affecting the glaciers along this moutnain range and are melting rapidly. These glaciers feed the large river systems throughout Asia and scientists warn that this region could end up like the Taklamakan Desert - itself a victim of earlier global warming. In this image, the Himalayan Range separates Tibet from India, and runs through (from left to right) northwestern India, Nepal, a small bit of northeastern India, and Bhutan. In the top half of the image, a number of lakes glow like jewels scattered throughout southeastern Plateau of Tibet. Many of the lakes show tinges of blue-green that likely indicate microscopic plant life. In the bottom half of the image, a number of major rivers flow to the southeast, eventually joining the Ganges and emptying into the Bay of Bengal (not shown). And in northern India, a gray haze of air pollution hangs over some of the most densely populated cities in the world -- Picture by Lightroom Photos / NASA