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The Lavaux is a region in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland, in the district of LavauxOron. The Lavaux consist of 830 hectares of terraced vineyards that stretch for about 30 km along the southfacing northern shores of Lake Geneva.2019-02-19T18:45:20ZThe Lavaux is a region in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland, in the district of LavauxOron. The Lavaux consist of 830 hectares of terraced vineyards that stretch for about 30 km along the southfacing northern shores of Lake Geneva. -- Available in HD a...PT33Shttps://d3e1m60ptf1oym.cloudfront.net/cf08414d-88e1-42c0-8c1e-0fdfe90b0565/OS1748_F0009_xlarge.jpghttps://d3e1m60ptf1oym.cloudfront.net/cf08414d-88e1-42c0-8c1e-0fdfe90b0565/OS1748_F0009_mp4_hd_video.mp4https://www.overflightstock.com/eulahttps://www.overflightstock.com/m/-/galleries/aerial-footage/switzerland-stock-aerial-footage/-/medias/cf08414d-88e1-42c0-8c1e-0fdfe90b0565/price